Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

A dream that will come true is not a real dream

True, isn't it??

That, my friends, is what I came to understand watching FMA... Btw, that was spoken by a character and not made up by me... =D

And, as you can see (or maybe not), I'm getting closer and closer to my goal of finishing the anime... Episode count: [38] Heehee... Somehow, even after watching so far, every episode never fails amaze me... I'm sooooooooooo looking forward to watching more tmr...Still... *Haizz* Lessons start tomorrow...

Up tomorrow morning: Amaths and Chem (+1h of the remaining band prac after that) O_o

And I'm so not looking forward to wearing the orange band tee... (-_-)'''

And I haven't done my Kumon ws for today cos I'm like having a very minor headache now and I'm not in the mood to deal with discriminants... -_-