Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Oops... I've neglected this blog for one whole month... Hmmm... How should I put it... I've basically been sacrificing my online time for homework... I really hate the way it is now, but I've absolutely no idea how else to go about finishing my homework, and also, revise... 19 days to prelims...



*looks and shudders again*

Right... From where I left off in the last post...

Kelly's handiwork!

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I think this one is especially cute, so... A closeup!!

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If only I can knit like that... No, if only I can even knit... Anyway, change in seating arrangement again, so "partner Kelly" has become "ex-partner Kelly"... Boo... It's kinda weird to hear her from the back, instead of from the side... Anyway, my new parter is Varruna, bickering-huusband-and-wife pair Tanya and Swee Jin are up in front, and Gillian and Germaine behind... I'm now right smack in the middle of the class, a few teachers' favourite haunt... But I chose it because I figured I'd concentrate and learn better in class... Kinda right, but it isn't enjoyable at times... Guess I can't do anything about that...

So, I finished Harry Potter 7 in about 8 hours... BUT I still lost the challenge to stupid Dong, who managed to read it in 7 hours... I have to say the story's pretty enjoyable, but too many events happened one after another and it was too dark for my liking... I guess the first is still the best... As always... But I'll recommend it 'cos it's better than book 5 and 6... But I can't believe JK Rowling killed off-- So many people... Ok, I won't include any spoilers, but I'm not that happy over the death of one of my favourite characters... Okay, okay, that's all I'm gonna say...

Uh-oh... Running late for the music lesson... I shall continue later...

I'm... BACK!! Timecheck- [15:56]

Ok, more about the two seated in front... They're noisy, almost always arguing over something trivial, but, you can't find a better match anywhere else... And they're weird people... How so? This:

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"I MUST NOT TELL LIES", written with Swee Jin's own blood, on her own hand... If I accidentally poked my finger with something sharp, and the wound starts bleeding, the first thing I'd do is use a piece of tissue to clean up and pinch the finger hard to stop the bleeding... What did she do? Start writing that memorable line from the Order of the Phoenix on the back of her hand, and squeeze out some more of the blood to finish that sentence... Oh. My. God. And what did Tanya do? She laughed, because she found it very funny... Okay, I know nobody will die from losing that minute amount of blood, but still...

Next up, Racial Harmony Day:

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That's Tanya and me in our Punjabi suits... She's wearing her own, and I'm wearing the one Divya
(Thanks for both the costume and the brooch thing!) lent to me... Picture taken by Sandra (Thanks too!), with Xin Yin and Miss Begam at the background (purely unintentional!)... Notice how I'm nearly as tall as Tanya? It wasn't a full body shot for a reason, you know... I was on tiptoe... (^^)''' Final desperate attempt to look tall... Haha...

Some random stuff--

My current wallpaper (in use since 280707)

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Been feeling rather down lately, so maybe you can tell a person's mood from her desktop wallpaper? That's a Hallow mask from Bleach, by the way...

My sis's milk carton solar car:

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The only cool thing about it is the solar panel... And the fact that it actually works... If it doesn't, though, you can always cheat and insert a battery... Haha... Sigh... Why is it that we don't get this kind of workshops in school...

An interesting shophouse near my piano teacher's house where the backdoor is located on the second storey... I just found it amusing, nothing much...

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And I thought I'd just share with you my latest J-craze- Burimyu:

Their rendition of the song Bengara Koushi, composed after the Japanese Classics... Obviously, the whole musical isn't like that... This is just one song inserted at the end of the actual play for comic effect/entertainment... Haha... By the way, burimyu is 'Bleach Musical'... Yes, there's a musical for Bleach too...

Anyway, take note of the guy with the spiky white/silver hair (Playing Hitsugaya Toushirou) who keeps popping in and out of the trapdoor... The actor's name is Nagayama Takashi... He's cute, can act well, has an unbelievable sense of humour, great voice, sings and dances well, very athletic (karate background), does calligraphy, and apparantly, has no difficulties being a girl if he wants to-- introducing Nagayama Ta-ka-ko!

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I nearly died when I saw this... Haha... I'm not sure whether I should be in awe of his talent and looks, or be digusted and uneasy at his shot at crossdressing... Oh well, I guess I shall stick with being amused then... Haha (^^)v

EDIT: That still's taken from Nagayan's 'ON' Idol DVD, btw... ^^