Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I've kinda memorised the hiragana chart.
I've kinda memorised the katakana chart too.
'Thing is, I've kinda mixed them all up as well.


I just need to write them out more often, I suppose (HOPEFULLY). We're learning how to string up random verbs and sorts together into a sentence now... In other words, I'm getting a bit lost already (TT) *sigh*

Anyway, I got into my first choice JC!! I just hope that I won't regret my choice...

And time really is zooming past-- I mean, its only 12 days to Christmas! Which, of course, means that school will be starting soon, again... (==)

P.S. I had lunch (last?) with my dear juniors at Pizza Hut (mmhmmm) on Tuesday. It's been ages since we sat together and chitchat~ ^^