Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New look for my desktop (yay!):

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That's Kon from Bleach, by the way... (^^) I've never really watched or read Bleach, but I think he's cute... And that's enough to get him a place on my screen... Haha...

Anyway, I'm very, very irritated with the medicine I'm taking-- it makes me sleepy and energy-less... Urgh... Imagine waking up for breakfast, taking the medicine after breakfast, and then feeling tired again after that... Yuck yuck yuck YUCKS! And so I've been taking naps every afternoon ('cept yesterday) ever since I started taking the medicine... And I'm frustrated because after waking up and taking those pills after dinner, I'm suddenly exhausted again?! It feels everyday like I'm sleeping away precious time!!

That aside, yesterday most of the class turned up for Mr Sng's wedding (congrats!)... Hmmm... Let's just say the first thing I asked my parents when I got home was that if they cried on their wedding day... The reaction I got was hilarious... As 'immature outsider' (at all weddings), I couldn't (and still can't) completely understand why the peoples concerned would get so emotional... My mother described it as "happy yet sad", and being so overwhelmed by those feelings that she had to cry, especially upon seeing my grandma cry... My father is still highly amused by my mother's tears up till today... I kinda understand the circumstances, but don't quite get why the emotions would be so strong... Afterall, it's just a ceremony, right? Enough about that-- no point thinking about it any further... Haha...

Happy belated birthdays to Shahini and Germaine!!!