Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I finally finished watching the english-subbed version of Bankai 001!! Having watched the chinese-subbed version as well, I found quite a few discrepancies though~ The verdict? The chinese-subbed one seems more reliable, and some things just sound more correct in Chinese. Mind you, I'm saying this as someone who can't even string together a sentence in Japanese properly.

Speaking of which, the beginner's course I'm currently attending will be ending the coming Friday! It's 3 hours of Japanese from Monday onwards. Whoo~ I want to continue learning!! We'll see-- ^^ Friday's the class gathering to celebrate our teacher's birthdays too, so I guess it's inevitable that I'll be late, since the test itself takes up 1.5 hours--> yes, I need to sit for a test before graduating from the course! @@

I'm fumbling, totally screwing up my scales. UGH. My piano teacher looked ready to strangle me, both last week and just now. Well, that's the last piano lesson of the year (Christmas holiday next Saturday) so hopefully I'll improve drastically by then (meaning I need to practise, practise and practise).

School's starting in a little more than 10 days, and I'm not really looking forward to it. *sigh* Kinda expected, huh? New campus, new people, lotsa awkward self-introductions, trying to build up friendships that may/may not last a month etc... I'm probably gonna feel like I've just landed on Jupiter over again~

Oh yeah, Kimeru's new single is coming out on January 23!!!!!! Heard the demo and can't wait for the complete song!! I'm just a teeny bit worried about how the PV will turn out to be like

1 day to my cousin's wedding
2 days to Christmas
5 days to end of Japanese course 4C07 class gathering

dammit. I'm still short of one address~