Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I feel so lousy now... I can't do amaths (but after some kind soul shows me her workings, I'll go into it's-so-simple-why-can't-I-solve-it mode), seriously stuck and fed up with my Kumon worksheets, tired of having lessons every single day during a 'holiday', and there's still the farewell stuff waiting... Plus I'm worried about my ABRSM exam pieces and concert pieces, and how I'm gonna juggle so much stuff ('O' levels, ABRSM practical, ABRSM theory, SYF, Kumon) next year ...

And there's some Bio prac tomorrow and I know I really should at least flip through the textbook and notes if I want to pass it, but my brain really wants to 'hibernate' and just watch FMA...

FMA episode count: 44
See? I haven't progressed much, and the suspense's keeping me on tenterhooks... Grrr...

Maybe I should go read a bit of Bio now...