Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm taking my Grade 8 piano practical next year instead of this year... Kinda disappointed, but yeah, gotta admit it, I won't be able to finish everything that's required within 5 months... And I'd rather get a distinction instead of just a pass... Obviously, my parents weren't that happy either... But I'm still taking my theory come March...

Anyway, I just came to know about this MMORPG called Granado Espada, which got me very interested... Pity it's a closed beta test... Didn't stop me from signing up though... Haha...

And finally, do you know that I'm getting back my 'O' level Chinese result this Friday??

And I won't deny that I'm scared...

Very, very scared

EDIT: Playing around with Radioblog, but realised that the music'd be cut off once you navigate away from the intro page... It'll be like that for now... But I'll try to do something about it when I have time...