Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

I went for a kompang workshop this morning.

Let me tell you this-- if you think chanting/singing and playing the kompang before the groom arrives is easy-peasy, change that mindset... I was sitting in an air-conditioned room, holding a smaller-than-usual sized kompang, glaring at the seemingly simple rhythms on the makeshift whiteboard, my hands almost trembling trying to keep up with the fast beat, I had to keep switching my position of my fingers 'cos they were getting stiff from holding the kompang, and yet, at the end of almost two and a half hours, our group barely managed to learn 3 sets of rhythms... The problem? We weren't in sync with one another and trying to play an interlocking pattern like that was near impossible... Which is why I'm now full of admiration for those guys... Playing 4 different sets of rhythms out of memory (we didn't quite manage with 2 that were clearly notated on the whiteboard) and chant/sing
at the same time, and yet end up highly coordinated...

But I definitely had fun... Though my 'drumming' technique is probably all wrong... Haha... A hands-on session is sooooo much more interesting than pages after pages of notes... (^^)v

And please don't tell me you don't know what a kompang is after reading all that... I'm gonna assume you do, and even if you don't, you can always google it... (--)

Anyway, today is offically the start of the June holidays... Ooooh yay, the un-holidayish hols... And I fell asleep doing Emaths homework this afternoon even though I drank a mug of tea to make sure I don't... (-_-)''' (But I managed to finsh it anyay, haha...)

I'm in love with shashimi!!! =3