Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I get emotional very easily. To put it another way, I can cry without much effort. This... can be a good thing, can be a bad thing. It's very useful when I need to tap into strong emotions to, for example, play a Romantic composition on the piano. It can be quite embarrassing, though, when the tears come out when I don't want them to, like when I happened to watch the last episode of some anime that my sister was watching, and just burst into tears when the main protagonists died, even though I have no idea what was happening. Well, not exactly 'embarrassing', actually, but it's more of this feeling of "why am I crying" that makes me cringe. Like on Friday; I knew about her death on Wednesday, but yet I still cried so badly when we were told to write a message. I didn't even dare to think about going to her wake after that. The thing is, she was never my subject teacher, form teacher or CCA teacher, with the exception of one chance encounter this year, I've never even had a conversation with her before-- so why am I tearing up like that? It's not that I shouldn't cry for her, but it's weird, that I get so emotional over it. I told my mother about it and she said: “没有关系,发泄发泄一下而已“.

Whatever it is, I'd just like to tell everyone. that... I'M OKAY! I think I must've creeped some people out when I cried like that but anyway thanks for comforting me! And with that, I shall leave the as it is, because as much as I would like to encourage her family, loved ones to be strong and stuff like that, to say the truth, I have no idea how to continue from here...

And so, a few random ones:

Kimeru's next single is coming out on the 31st October! Woohoo! Something to look forward to in the midst of all the exams!

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A tiny cute balloon from Bao Hui! In Tanya's favourite colour-- ORANGE!!

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And it's so hot and humid nowadays! There's hardly a wisp of cloud in the sky! (..)'''