Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


It's so weird. I've been waiting for today since forever, but I can't seem to get out of the 'exam' mode yet. It just doesn't feel like Os are over yet. Maybe it's because I didn't feel the hugh sense of relief I was expecting. Hmmm... How should I put it-- it just doesn't seem right to sit around and do nothing.

Oh, but I didn't "do nothing", 'cos my mother immediately made me pack my luggage and that took up a whole afternoon. Horrifying~ And, I'm only leaving on Saturday. But YAY! I'm flying to Taiwan for a holiday soon! It's been ages since I last had one. But, oh man, the clothes I'm forced to pack-- I think I can survive in 9 degree Celcius instead of 19~ (--)''' *whack*

Kimeru's new PV-- Junk Beat!

He's really cute in some shots (!!), but I think a few are overdone *cough* (forgive me). Regradless of that, it's a nice, cheery upbeat song I'd listen to anytime. Also, is it just me, but Kimeru now seems to be going all out to project the "cute" image? As in, he was always cute and all that, but his two recent PV are just screaming "KAWAII!!" and have none of the "coolness" found in the older PVs.

Oh well, whatever-- Kimeru's stilll the BEST!!!

Anyway, there's this other j-pop group which caught my attention. It's called AAA, which stands for Attack All Around. Hmph. I think I talk about them another time. I'm a bit lazy now ^^

And a little while ago, Hui Min, knowing that I'm a big fan of Death Note, led me to this HILARIOUS doujinshi. Read it! It's so funny! Talk about global warming-- LOL