Saturday, January 05, 2008

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The first 3 days of school are over! J1 Orientation is officially over!

To me, it's as fun as it could get, and that's a good thing, since I don't really like all this kind of stuff a lot-- I mean, I'm the sort of person who can't put a name to a new face (actually, everyone looks almost identical to me when I meet a ton of people at once; I swear, I must've some kind of weird disability~) and it usually take weeks, months or even years to establish a true relationship with any of my peers. Couple that with the ever-present need to cheer, the alien-ess of a new campus/compound, the silent pressure to race and win, I usually don't enjoy orientation 'crash' camps. But, man, was the whole thing tiring! And I realised that I could do the high-pitch-ear-piercing kind of scream-- at the expense of my voice... (--)'''

But hey, I never knew mass dancing can get so fun! At the chorus of the song, where we prepare/start to 'waltz':

5! 6! 7! 8!
1, 2 ,3, jump!
1, 2 ,3, jump!
1, 2 ,3, jump!
1, 2, 3, *CRASH~*

'Cos the hall is just not big enough for 200+ couples to waltz crazily, much less 400+ of them~ Oh well, speaking of dance, I need to thank my partner-in-crime for putting up with my clumsiness and dancing with me as though nothing happened after it all-- thank you!!



And I'm a little worried about my subject combination~