Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Returned Hui Min her FF7:AC after band today... I watched it till 12 midnight yesterday, okay... But I actually felt a sense of satisfaction after that... Why? Maybe 'cos I actually managed to make some sense out of most of the plot, and, I realised that I missed out quite a lot of details when I first watched it... For example, I didn't see that at a certain point, as Reno carried a boy in his arms, the little boy's first reaction was to stick his finger up Reno's nostrils!! Haha...

If anything, I really want to own the OST of the movie... The music's just so cool-- I mean, never in my dreams will I be able to imagine how good it sounded when an orchestra, a choir, combines with a rock band... Mann, sugoi-ne!!

Didn't do much today... Went for band, came back, and it's already like, what, 6:45... *Haizz*

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Guess what?? I didn't forget those 俗语 stuff when I stepped into MPH... I've forgotten about them even before stepping in... How pathetic can it get?? Still... NO MORE EXAMS THIS YEAR!! YAY!!! ^^

Anyway, I rearranged the stuff on the er, main page? The first page you see when you arrive at this blog... Anyway, it kinda looks the same... Oh well...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

  • 有志者事竟成
  • 饮水思源,缘木思本
  • 亡羊补牢,未为晚也
  • 以小人之心,度君子之腹
  • 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏
  • 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴
  • 一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨
  • 一言以蔽之
  • 英雄所见略同
  • 一不琢,不成气
  • 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯
  • 只要功夫深,铁绌磨成针
  • 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆
  • 醉翁之意不在酒
  • 走一步,看两步
  • 做到老,学到老

And that, people, is what I managed to memorise from the third page of one of the notes given... I started memorising from the back, so count it that way... Meaning I've got 4 full pages more to go... 0_o

Anyway, my favourite one is: 星星之火,可以燎原

Neat, isn't it??

By the way, I didn't type those above on purpose-- I asked my mother to read their meanings while I, instead of reciting them , typed them out... Haha... I'm hoping that it'll help me get them stuck in my head more quickly... But I bet they'll disappear once I step into the MPH on Monday... (-_-)'''

Oh, and even though I want to get an A1 (somehow) for my 'O' Level CL, I have absolutely no confidence, and no idea how... Except trying to memorise whatever I've been given and whatever I think'll be useful... Well... To a certain extent... Haizz...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's the end.

The End of:

  1. 2006 school term
  2. music lessons at St Nic's
It's just so abrupt... Both the end of the school term, and, especially the music lessons... Got to know of it only this morning... Haizz... Kinda had time there... Well, anyway, if somehow the lessons doesn't clash with any band pracs, there's a chance that I might have to stay back for 5 days/week... Yeah... 0_o

Grrrr... 'O' level Chinese... I'm scared for myself... =[

Oh yeah, I got my report book back today, and though I failed a few tests here and there, my lowest overall grade is C5!!! Yay!!! But I'll really have to work hard over the hols to improve... =]

Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

Today I went to watch Death Note at J8 with stupid Bao Hui, who, though had to come down all the way from Tampines early in the morning, does not get my sympathy because she tricked me into thinking that she went out late, took the wrong MRT, end up on the way back home, and hence won't be able to make it in time for the movie.... And, worst of all, baka me believed every single sms she sent... *sniff* Thank goodness I was cool enough to be sarcastic about it...

But anyway, we watched the movie... Its kinda different from the manga... As in the Raito (aka Light) seems more ruthless in the way he acts... But because of time contraints, many events were simplified, condensed, or even cut out completely... That made the "battle of the wits between the two geniuses" (quote from dane1979 from Flixster) less detailed and exciting than how it is dipicted in the manga... The most disappointing thing, however, wasn't that... It was with GV... After sitting through the credits expecting to see the trailer for Death Note: The Last Name, they didn't show it!!! Both of us felt so indigent... Lastly, a word of warning for those who're going to watch it-- the movie ends somewhat abruptly, something like a cliffhanger, so just be prepared, so that you don't scream in agitation then...

We went to Kinokuniya in Orchard after that... LOTS of Death Note stuff... Movie guides, novel, volume 13 of the manga, you name it, but all in Japanese... Haizz... Really wanted to understand Japanese then... Then Bao Hui and I went through (looking at the covers and commenting on them since they're all snugly wrapped up in plastic- haha) lots of art books and mangas... Oh yeah, before we went there, I bought her her belated birthday present (a keychain of some sort, which I don't really admire)... ^_^

Had a good time today, no doubt... But I'm feeling extremely guilty for not doing anything for my 'O' CL... 0_o Oh well...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Death Note opens in cinemas Singapore!!! Finally!!!

Ok... I know I'm like, what, 3 days late... But nevermind... Just pretend I posted this on Thursday, ok?

But still...

I wanna watch Death Note!!! I wanna watch!! I wanna watch!!

Anyway, my com refused to let me access the Blogger site... So now I'm using the laptop... Maybe I should run an antivirus program or something on the com... But not in the near future... I'm content with just using the laptop (even though she is hogging it most of the time)... Too lazy, to put it simply... Haizz...

Oh yeah, I attended a Maple wedding yesterday too...

All I've got to say is this: (-_-)'"

Sorry, but I'm still pretty much anti-Maple... Haha...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

~1 more day~

Oh when can I watch it??? (T.T)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oh yeah, I think I kinda forgot to mention earlier-- I tried my first ever kimchi over the weekend... The verdict: I didn't really like it (T.T) Found the taste much too strong for my liking... Maybe because that particular stall doesn't sell really good kimchis... But my mother and sister were eating it like anything... Haizz... So I don't know whether it was that bad or I'm picky... I'm still game to try more though... Haha...

Anyway, I've gotten back all my results... L1R5's 20+... Such 'spectacular' results... Haizz... Looks like there won't be much of a holiday for me this year...

Still haven't return Hui Min's AC... I had to watch it again... Coz I still don't really understand the whole thing... (-_-)''' Speak of deep...

Lugged my eupho case to school this morning... Climbed up 4 stories leh (coz band room still not open when I arrived)!! Then Wanyan kindly helped me carry it from the 4th storey staircase to my seat... (-_-)''' Haha... Anyway the taxi driver's super nice... The fare meter showed $5.40 but when I paid him $10, he returned a $5 note... Didn't realised until I was in class... Haizz... And to think I didn't thank him properly... =[

~2 more days~

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Today is such a depressing day... Got back 5 papers at once... Obviously, I didn't do well... Haizz... =[

~3 more days~

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Yeeooooowwwwwwwwwwww... Went back to school at 9 just to do a mock VS paper... Grrrr... But after that, me and Germaine went to J8 and basically spent about 2 hours there looking for a present for her friend and having lunch at MOS Burger... Then we spent another hour at Bishan library...

It's the first time I went there, and I'm pretty eager to sit at the- what'd call them- empty spaces that pertrude out of the main building like a box... Only they're made of glass... But, disappointingly, all of them were taken up, so we ended up sitting on the floor, Germaine beside a potted plant, me beside some kind of seat-or-table-whichever-way-you-prefer-to-use-it, leaning against a pillar at one corner on the second floor... We just sat there and read for one whole hour... I brought the "Usagi Yojimbo" (Grey Shadows) comic I borrowed from AMK library and finished reading it there... Obviously I 'returned' the book there since I finished reading it... Oh, and I couldn't find any Sandman comics there... *sobs* How could they...

Anyway, after that, we went for music lesson, where half the class didn't turn up... Oh yeah, I met Zeng Ying at the bus stop... Didn't have a chance to talk much, but she's still the same... (^-^) Haha... Listened to too many extracts, absorbed too much new info during music, so much that I felt blur and tired by the time we were released... (-_-)"'

So after a long day, I went home and watched 《宫》, showered, did yesterday's Kumon worksheets... And this... *Sigh* Won't have time to watch FF VII: AC that Hui Min generously snuck out from her house today... 0=] Haha... [Read: thanks for lending!]

~7 more days~

Oh yeah, I realised today that I couldn't stop thinking of Death Note... Haizz... Can't be helped... Heehee...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ta-da! Here they are:

Tatsuya Fujiwara

Joo Ji Hoon

Haha... That's all for today...

~8 more days~

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I so don't want to do Chinese assessments now... I mean, yeah, the exam's at the end of this month, meaning I've got like, what, half a month, to prepare for it... But, hey, I'm still in my "post-exam-relax" mode, and I'm enjoying it... Grrr... =[

Anyway, I went out for lunch, then to library, and walked around a bit... Do you know there're some shops next to Shop n' Save at AMK Central?? And the ice cream store there (Magic Freeze) has really good green tea ice cream... Yum... Yeah, i know I shouldn't eat so much ice cream, but still... Haizz... Oh, and I bought a couple of hand-made keychains for Germaine and Candy... But, really, that place is eerily quiet... Nobody there... Hope it'll last... Haha...

~11 more days~

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

Tatsuya Fujiwara is so cute!!! So is Joo Ji-hoon!! The former's from Death Note (movie), where he plays Yagami Raito, and the latter's from Princess Hours (宮), where he plays the Crown Prince, Lee Shin...

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Cuteness overdose!!! Help!!!

P.S. You can be sure I'm gonna watch both, the movie, and the serial drama...

EDIT: I tend to use 'cute' and 'hot' interchangeably... Oh well... You know... Haha...

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Saturday, October 07, 2006

The haze is making me gloomy... It's disturbing not being able to see anything more than about 500m away... I hate it...

Anyway, this morning I walked past where the Mid-autumn Festival 'celebration' took place last night... There were masses of melted candle wax and half-burnt candles everywhere... Ugly... Really pity the people who're gonna clear them up...

P.S. I ate the soy bean ice cream from "Mr Bean" just now... It wasn't bad... Its not too sweet... It just taste oddly of soy bean... Oh well... Haha...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

Today's Mid-autumn Festival aka mooncake chomping time (for me)... As I walked home from tuition just now, I really felt the "festive cheer"... There's this big space in between many HDB blocks near my tuition centre, and just now, it was full of children carrying paper lanterns, trying to balance them on the sticks... On the porch, someone stringed up a row of colourful paper lanterns... Really pretty... Then in front of me, this cute boy drop his (oops!) and it went up in flames.... Haha... No, he didn't cry and I'm not sadistic... I'm just amused... That the same thing happened to me some years ago... ;]

How long haven't I carried a paper lantern? 2 years? 4 years? Or even longer? Somehow, when I see them carrying around, I wanted to feel one in my hand again...


Finally, exam's over... I don't think I'm gonna do well for any subject... Haizz...


The haze's getting worst... And so is my sneezing... =[