Today I went to watch Death Note at J8 with stupid Bao Hui, who, though had to come down all the way from Tampines early in the morning, does not get my sympathy because she tricked me into thinking that she went out late, took the wrong MRT, end up on the way back home, and hence won't be able to make it in time for the movie.... And, worst of all, baka me believed every single sms she sent... *sniff* Thank goodness I was cool enough to be sarcastic about it...
But anyway, we watched the movie... Its kinda different from the manga... As in the Raito (aka Light) seems more ruthless in the way he acts... But because of time contraints, many events were simplified, condensed, or even cut out completely... That made the "battle of the wits between the two geniuses" (quote from dane1979 from Flixster) less detailed and exciting than how it is dipicted in the manga... The most disappointing thing, however, wasn't that... It was with GV... After sitting through the credits expecting to see the trailer for Death Note: The Last Name, they didn't show it!!! Both of us felt so indigent... Lastly, a word of warning for those who're going to watch it-- the movie ends somewhat abruptly, something like a cliffhanger, so just be prepared, so that you don't scream in agitation then...
We went to Kinokuniya in Orchard after that... LOTS of Death Note stuff... Movie guides, novel, volume 13 of the manga, you name it, but all in Japanese... Haizz... Really wanted to understand Japanese then... Then Bao Hui and I went through (looking at the covers and commenting on them since they're all snugly wrapped up in plastic- haha) lots of art books and mangas... Oh yeah, before we went there, I bought her her belated birthday present (a keychain of some sort, which I don't really admire)... ^_^
Had a good time today, no doubt... But I'm feeling extremely guilty for not doing anything for my 'O' CL... 0_o Oh well...